Donate & Sponsor
If you would like to make a donation you can click and choose from the options below! We will be glad to supply our Tax ID for your records. All donations for the WhirliDogs Training Center will be recorded under our 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit status.
Donations can also be mailed to:
WhirliDogs Training Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 2932
Wilson, NC 27894.
Become a Volunteer
Community and business volunteers have been an asset to the WhirliDogs’ staff during early years of development. Volunteers have helped with fundraising efforts such as tee shirt sales, pop-up food events, auctions and hosting “A Party with a Purpose”. Volunteers have also assisted with WhirliDogs ServSafe and WhirliDogs Prep Academies as well as Job Camps. It is safe to say WhirliDogs would not have become such a successful community cause without the support of volunteers.
To volunteer, please email Ann Martin at, then complete the Volunteer Form below! Forms can also be mailed to: WhirliDogs Prep Academy, PO Box 2932, Wilson, NC 27894